Wednesday, March 26, 2008

We're finally here!!!

Day 1...
(I wasn't able to blog every night...So I will try my best to remember as much as i can)
The plane landed and I realized I am millions of miles away from home. I was in Ireland!!! How excited I was to be in Europe!!! The only country I've been to besides the U.S. was Mexico. I didn't know what to expect to happen that week because I felt at first I was traveling alone. Meaning that I didn't really know any of people on the trip besides the teachers and couple people(that changed soon because I met some incredible people on this trip!) But you know what I mean? It kinda made the trip feel more like an adventure and it gave me the chance to go out and explore. I forgot about everything else back at home. It was like being in a different world.
We were all exhausted from the flight because it was around 7pm when we left and when we arrived it was close to 6am in Ireland. Surpisingly enough I was able to adjust to the time difference pretty well. I thought I was going to go straight to sleep as soon as we arrived at the hotel..but I didn't...don't get me wrong I love to sleep but I didn't come to Europe to sleep...I was going to intake as much I could...This was an oppertunity that I got and how did I know I would ever come back to Europe.

Our tour director David(awesome guy)gave us an option to either sleep for the rest of the day till about 5 or take a quick little trip to Dublin. Most of us decided to take the trip because we were all thrilled to be there. It was a bit chilly but we were all dressed comfortably. I started going crazy taking 5 million pictures of the most random things. Such as McDonalds signs...little did I know that McDonalds would save my life from the terrible food that I had to eat for dinner. A running marathon happened to take place that day, and I saw a lot of street entertainers dressed up freaky costumes. We all eventually meet up at the mally malone statue and head on back to the hotel to take a nap. Before I went back to the room, me and my roommate(Tamika) agreed to have a drink at the bar. Our first drink in Ireland. So I of course drank a Guiness and Tamika had a mixed drink.

After our naps we all walked to the train station which was about a 10 min walk. The trip to the city only took about another 10 min and we walked a little bit before we ate at the resturant. The resturant was near a lot of other pubs(not a surpise..there were pubs everywhere!!!) It was a cute little place and we were all hungry and couldn't wait to eat. The first plate arrived...I'm not gonna lie...I thought it was an appetizer cause there was hardly any food on the plate. I then fond out it was my main course...At that moment i thought to myself...I must eat horrible if this is Ireland's normal way of eating. Sure...I was disappointed!! butttt it tasted good...could of added more meat...but that's what McDonalds came in handy for!! After our appetizer/meal they brought out dessert but I didn't even bother because I was more concerned about walking to the bar and having my first irish carbomb!! That for sure...didn't disappoint me in any way =) It was the first drink of many guiness's to follow...not tooooo many...but just enough!

After the meal most of us went to resturant near the temple bars called Thunder road. It was very "Americanized"(I don't know if that's a word) All they played was American music...kind of looked like your regular TGI Fridays or Applebees from back home...Met some people from London which was pretty cool. The night eventually got tiring so me and some others decided to call it a night while others continued to party at a club...Needed to rest for the long awaited St. Patricks Day....

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