Monday, April 14, 2008

Monty Python's Life of Brian Review

The 1979 film "Monty Python's Life of Brian," was a rude, crude and hilarious with British comic sensibility. The film was about a baby born in a stable in Bethlehem on the same night as night as Jesus. It was Brian of Nazareth who had no miraculous powers at all. He wasn't all there in the head either. The wise men believed Brian was the messiah and Brian himself thought so too. He is always in the shadow of this other guy from Galilee. Brian is witness to the Sermon of the Mount, but he couldn't hear anything except "Blessed are the cheesemakers?"
He is eventually sentenced to Pontius Pilate to be crucified. Instead of the Last Six Words, Brian breaks out in a Cheer Up musical song" Always Look On the Bright Side of Life."
When the movie was released the Catholic Church wasted no time condemning it as blasphemous. Countries banned it, making it become an underground cult classic. The Pythons always mixed smart, insightful humor with outrageous funny dialogue. Almost like the sense of humor from Mel Brooks "History of the world part 2."
The whole film is a comedy of misunderstandings. This movie I don't think was meant to take serious even though most people did. I thought it was funny because it was all satire. Here are these people thinking Brian is the Messiah and he is just a regular person like them. He tries to protest his crucifixation but noone saves him.
People with a sense of humor I recommend to. Before I saw this film I saw the Monty Python's "The Holy Grail." It was just as funny as this one and that's why I chose to watch this film.

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