Thursday, January 31, 2008

What I'm most looking foward to experiencing in Dublin, Wales, and London...

I am very excited about going on this trip to Europe. I have never been to Europe and from I have heard it is a beautiful place to visit. I am deffinetly looking foward to Dublin. Especially, since we will be there on St. Patricks Day! That is going to be an experience that most people never get to see and i'm happy i get to be part of it. Not to mention my last name is McDermott so hopefully i'll meet some nice lads who'd like to buy me some drinks...haha...but thats not the real reason why i want to see Ireland. I just heard its absolutely beautiful there and I look foward to taking beautiful pictures of the scenery as well

Wales I am not too familiar with. I just know that Princess Diana was the Princess of Wales. I'm willing to learn anything about it though. I'm sure it will be interesting and I will have a better understanding the place from visiting.

London I am deffinetly familiar with....without a doubt this will be so cool to see. I mean who doesn't know London? Were talking about Kings and Queens, Prince William, Guards with Tall Black hats that look like Robots. Making telephone calls out of Red Booths and the beautiful scenery with Big Ben. I am sooooo looking foward to seeing Shakespere's Birthplace...I think that is so cool after learning so much about him. All of these tours are going to leave me with more knowledge to talk about with friends and family when I get home.


Scott said...


One thing about Ireland....when you see the countryside, you know why green is the national color.

I'll post some of my Ireland & London pictures soon.

Scott McHugh

Lady~T said...

Hey miss

I cant wait to party lol...

Maria Vargas-Pion said...


We are going to have fun!

this my blog